Curious how a Personal Chef can revolutionize the way you eat? Every week you’ll get a complete meal plan which you can change or modify as you see fit. Here’s an example of a Gluten-Free Weekly Meal Plan.
My vegan clients frequently complain about being burned out on overnight oats, granola, and quick breads made from fake flours with no nutritional content. My weekday breakfasts revolve around whole foods that are easy to pre-assemble the night before (up to a couple days in advance).
Since not everyone has daytime access to a microwave, my weekday lunches are all designed to be packed for transport to work or school and eaten cold.
If you’re on a budget, cook and cube two whole butternut squashes and continue to use the cooked cubes for the rest of the week. If you have a little more money, there’s no shame in saving time by purchasing pre-cubed and peeled squash pieces. Either way, cook them once and use them for three days this week.
You’ll need three cans of chickpeas this week – not just for the beans themselves, but also for the precious fluid within. The bean juice is called Aquafaba, and it’s a vegan miracle. You can use it as an egg substitute in baked goods (1 tbsp = 1 small egg) or pour it into a stand mixer and whip it into soft peaks for a marshmallow fluff substitute or firm peaks for a meringue that actually browns when you bake it!